Thursday, December 12, 2013

Visit me at Daily Plate of Crazy!

Once upon a time, I began a blog here, called Willing Eye. It was a planned experiment - a place to write about art, which is so much a part of my life and always has been.

But then I began to experiment elsewhere, at a place I called "Big Little Wolf's Daily Plate of Crazy," where I wrote anonymously under the name of Big Little Wolf.

I began to write about everything and anything, whatever struck me on a given day as interesting, instructive, or entertaining. And eventually, I came out from behind the nickname, writing as D. A. Wolf, which I still do today, on Daily Plate of Crazy.  


I hope you will visit me there. Often. The welcome mat is rolled out daily.

Where else can you find me?

Oh, I'm around the web... Sometimes at Huff Post, chez Tish whenever she graciously allows me to pick up the virtual pen at her place, at Purple Clover, The Good Men Project, and lately at Divorce Whirlwind, a recent venture I'm enjoying enormously as part of the Divorced Moms community.

Yes, I write a lot! (Yes, I need more sleep... and a patronage system...) 

But every day? My place of pleasure, my cozy haven, my home away from home where I muse and write - that's Daily Plate of Crazy - a venue for lively discussion on everything from women's issues to marriage and divorce, from smiles and styles to linguistic wiles. And I count myself fortunate to have wonderful writers who share their words and experience from time to time. I am most grateful for their contributions.  

And yes, I really do consider shoes an art form.

Please drop by and join the conversation. I would love it if you would.


  1. So, did you realise that Daily Plate has disappeared from your Google page? At least when I clicked on your name in the comments on my blog (thanks for visiting) this was the only blog it linked me to. Just thought you ought to know... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. Hi Shelly. Thanks so much for this comment.

    The access issue is, I believe, a matter of the site where I'm commenting or where you are linking from, as Daily Plate of Crazy is not on the Blogger platform. You access it directly via, or through a comment link that allows for Name/URL.

    Thank you again - and I hope you're having a great 2014!
